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TEC7 Glass Plates 2.2 300mm x 300mm

70,55 1820,41 

SKU: N/A Categories: , ,

SKU | MS001795

Greatcell Solar Materials supplies a range of transparent conductive glass plates with varying sheet size, sheet thickness and sheet resistance. The conducting layer consists of Fluorine doped Tin Oxide (FTO). The FTO-coated glass plates are ideally suited as glass substrates for perovskite devices and dye sensitized solar cells (Hora et al., 2022).

The sheet resistance of the conductive coating in TEC7 glass plates is approximately 7Ω/sq.
Glass plates over 5 sheets pack are available but freight costs will vary. Please contact us at purchase@greatcellsolarmaterials.com for bulk orders.

Hora, C., Tavares, A.P., Carneiro, L., Ivanou, D., Mendes, A. and Sales, G.F., 2022. Coupling Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells with Biosensors: New Autonomous and Self-Signaling Biosensing Device for Sarcosine Detection. Available at SSRN 4266716.

Additional information

Weight N/A
TEC7 Glass Plates 2.2 300mm x 300mm

1g, 5g, 25g, 50g

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