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C106 Dye

476,53 17274,09 

SKU: N/A Categories: , ,

SKU | MS003630

The C106 Hydrophobic Dye (CAS Number: 1152310-69-4) is comprised of a thioether functionalised thiophenyl bipyridine providing a greater Pi conjugation with respect to C101 which enhances its optical absorption. The hydrophobic nature of the moiety also increases donor property to the metallic centre and provides steric hindrance to minimise dye stacking, packing and agglomeration behaviour thus increasing the overall device performance.

Greatcell Solar Materials' C106 Hydrophobic Dye is of the highest purity for consistent results and premium performance.

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Weight N/A
C106 Dye

1g, 5g, 10g, 50g, 100g

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