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BL-1 Blocking Layer

37,67 188,34 

SKU: N/A Categories: , ,

SKU | MS002500

Greatcell Solar Materials' Blocking Layers offer guaranteed performance, high reproducibility, and consistent results.

Greatcell Solar Materials' BL-1 Blocking Layer Titania Paste can be used as an n-type blocking layer in a variety of DSC, perovskite, and other mesoporous solar cells, and is fully compatible with traditionally used “compact” (“TiCl4”) layers either prior to or subsequent to deposition and processing of the blocking layer. Greatcell Solar Materials' BL-1Blocking Layer has been formulated to yield a compact layer - to be applied using a synthetic 100T mesh screen (or similar). Greatcell Solar Materials' BL-1 Blocking Layer provides an n-type blocking layer compatible with a variety of applications.

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Weight N/A
BL-1 Blocking Layer

10g, 20g, 50g, 100g

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